There are many reasons that families choose cremation as final disposition. For some it is an ecological decision, for others it can be for religious reasons. And for those who choose not to have any visitations or funeral services prior to cremation, it can be as economical as direct burial. There are many options available regarding the types of services prior to cremation. Many people still select a visitation or viewing and a funeral service prior to cremation. You can also choose to have a memorial service, with or without the cremated remains present, following cremation. Another option to consider is what to do with the cremated remains after the memorial service. The most common practices are permanent possession, scattering and burial. As you can see, with cremation you have all of the choices you have with burial. Casey, Halwig & Hartle Funeral Home is knowledgeable in all aspects of cremation services. Talk to us today if you would like to discuss the cremation options that are best for you and your family. If you would like more information on cremation, we would be happy to mail you a "Cremation Options Brochure". To request this booklet or ask us any questions regarding cremation, please contact us at Cremation Information@caseyhalwighartle.com